Where are you at on your journey?
It’s a question we know you have asked yourselves in the past. Maybe you have come to conclusions now, as you move forward on the next stage of customizing your life.
We’re thrilled to share with you the story of both of our journeys. And we’re honored to have been given the opportunity to do so in this Facebook Live interview with none other than Jairek Robbins.
As you know, Jairek is also geared to helping people take massive action. Through his hands-on coaching, he inspires others to meet the success they are meant to achieve, and live with passion.
In this interview, we’ll take you back to the beginning of our journeys, and tell you how they all began.
It’s going to get personal, as we share the starting point of our vision. You’ll find out exactly how we came to have the work we do today, what brought us together, how we met, and lots of juicy details!
But more than that, you’ll get to know why we chose the unconventional paths we are both now on, and what motivated us to make drastic changes in our lives’ vision.
None of this happened overnight. Our journey to “Customizing Our Life” happened in many different—but vital—stages.
So if you want to know how it all began, stay tuned.
It’s always been our mission to inspire others to take similar risks, but to do so with CONFIDENCE and CARE.
Hopefully, you can learn from our lessons (and yes, even mistakes!) and know what decisions to make, based on your personal circumstances.
Thank you for following our journey on Customize Your Life! If you want to know how you can have the same vision and make it happen, tune into this interview.
We’re excited to share these intimate parts of our lives with you, and we welcome any questions you have!
Get in touch with us after watching, or leave your comments below—we read each one and love to hear from all of you!
Tony and Frances