Making Money Make Sense with Jean Chatzky

In her new book, “Women with Money,” the best-selling author asks an important question: “What do you want from your money?”

I had the privilege of sitting down with Jean, who is an amazing woman. She is the financial editor of NBC’s TODAY show, AARP’s personal finance ambassador, and CEO of HerMoney, a multimedia company changing the relationships women have with money.

This was a truly enlightening conversation, because let’s face it, so many of us come with emotional baggage in regards to money.

Money is the tool you can use to customize your life, and yet so many of us let our attitudes to money get in the way: It gets in the way of us earning more, saving more, investing more.
Today, Jean is here to help us make money make sense.

“Money is an area where are there are no definite answers,” she tells us, “Women like to know the answers even before they ask the question, but when it comes to (matters like) investing, there are no perfect answers.”

Have a listen to this short but powerful conversation, and you will mine some real treasures, such as:

  • How this financial advisor was once making a mess of her own money
  • How mentorship can be a starting point for your financial success
  • Why money is so emotional for us women
  • How to address our own vulnerability
  • The exact questions to ask when you are taking stock of your financial health
  • How to talk about money with your spouse/partner, and how being honest about your finances can indeed bring you closer together


Jean is a mom, so she digs even further, in some ways parents can ensure that their kids grow up making sense of money, with the right attitudes and habits, too.
If you are on the right track to customizing your life–or even if you are just starting to figure it out, I know you are going to love this show.
You see…

With a mentor like Jean, you can get daily tips and inspiring, actionable tips. Jean will tell you simple truths, such as how to live without self-judgment, how to make room in your life for the kind of life you want.

“What I’ve also learned in over two decades immersed in people and their money is that it’s completely possible,” she says. “And the more of us that engage positively with our money, the faster this message will spread, and the better off we’ll all be.”

If you’re ready to be better off, take control of your money, and know your self-worth, join us for this conversation. And please feel free to pass on the link to anyone else you know who would be empowered hearing it.

As always, thanks for listening.