Jairek Robbins interviews Frances on What the World Needs More Of Podcast

We are so excited to bring you this latest podcast with Jairek Robbins, who is one of our favorite inspirational people to chat with!

He has a real gift of listening to people and drawing out the best in them. Each of the folks he interviews on his program, “What the World Needs More Of”, talk about their personal journey and insights.

It this podcast, Frances shares a bit more of her personal life story, outlining both her wins and her battles.

Although our journeys were different, when we finally came together, we realized how unified our ideologies were.

Frances went to college and imagined that her big dream of being in the entertainment industry would be the best path for her. But life had other plans.

After losing her dad in 2008, it was a turning point. She began to have a new perspective on many things. It was a devastating time, but she found the strength to move on.

There were many other things she experienced on her journey, but essentially they all helped her to see a clearer vision of who and what she really wanted to become.

In this podcast, you can also learn how to use the same techniques for gaining strength when the going gets tough.

You will learn to ask questions such as:

How do I be Fearless? How do I get rid of my fear?

Listen to Frances disclose to Jairek her actual fears. In fact, some of them, she carries around every day. As you know and have also experienced, there are some things we have to deal with our whole lives.

However, you do not have to let them hinder your purpose and your mission.